




The Symptoms and Signs of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Speaking of pelvic inflammatory disease, I think many women have heard about it. But many people do not know much about its main symptoms. Then, what’s the symptoms and signs of pelvic inflammatory disease? Let’s talk about it in detail.

The experts points out that, the pelvic inflammatory disease can be divided into acute pelvic inflammatory disease and chronic inflammatory disease. The general chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is formed because the acute pelvic inflammatory disease is not treated in time. So if women have the below symptoms, they should go to the hospital in time and receive the treatment.

The symptoms of acute pelvic inflammatory disease

If a woman is infected with acute pelvic inflammatory disease, she would feel the exist of the disease in one to two weeks after getting infected. The expression of pelvic inflammatory disease is hyperpyraxia or chilling, pain in the lower belly, headache or inappetence. When checking, the patients of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease have an acute sickly look, high temperature, faster heat rate, muscular tension in the lower belly, pressing pain, rebound tenderness and a lot of purulence secretion in the vagina. When the abscess is formed, there is lower-abdominal mass and partial pressure stimulation. If the mass is located in the front, patients would have difficult urination, frequent urination, painful urination and so on. If the mass is located in the rear, it can induce diarrhea.

The symptoms of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

1. Painful in the lower abdomen. The chronic pelvic inflammatory disease patient will always feel pressure in the abdomen. Once the patient overworks or has repeated sexual intercourse, the above symptoms would be more outstanding. Besides, the inflammation and adhesion of pelvic would also strengthen the pain of menstruation accompanied with pressure in the lower abdomen to some degree.

2. Abnormal menstruation. The pelvic inflammatory disease would induce endometriosis and the injury of ovary. So that the woman who is infected with pelvic inflammatory disease would usually appear the increasing of the amount of menstruation, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and so on. If the disease is not treated in time, the endometrium would be damaged to some degree, appearing infrequent menstruation or amenorrhea.

3.The systemic symptoms. Most of the symptoms are not obvious. Sometime there would have low fever or fatigue usually. Among the people who have a longer period of illness, some patients can have the symptoms of neurasthenia, such as doldrums, discomfort of the whole body, sleeplessness and so on. When the patients have a worse resistance, the disease would make a acute or subacute attack to the patients.

4. Infertility. The adhesion or blockage of fallopian tube can induce infertility or ectopic gestation. The rate of infertility after acute pelvic inflammatory disease is 20% to 30%.

The sign of pelvic inflammatory disease: the uterus is alway in the rear. The movement is limited or the uterus is adhesive to a certain place. If the disease is salpingitis, there is wider fallopian tube in one side or both of the side of uterus. And the fallopian tube is like a cord, having slightly pressure pain. If the disease is hydrosalpinx or tubal ovarian cyst, purulent neoplasm can be touched on the one side or both side of the pelvic. And the movement is usually limited. If the disease is pelvic parametritis, there is sheet ncrassation and pressure pain in one or two side of the uterus. The uterosacral ligament become thicker and harder, having pressure pain.

source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/pelvic_inflammation/2013/0905/503.html


Can Prostatitis Cause Premature Ejaculation

What is the relationship between prostatitis and premature ejaculation? Can prostatitis cause premature ejaculation? Experts indicate that uncured prostatitis can easily bring other issues. With the recrudescence and server condition of the disease, inflammation spreads to the pelvic and other nerves, which increase the sensitivity of the pelvic muscle nerves, and leads to long-term excitement in sexual nerve and in the hub of activity. So, will prostatitis really cause premature ejaculation?    
This is a problem that a lot of patients concern. Many suffers are with the symptom of sexual dysfunction. However, patients who suffer from premature ejaculation is supposed to have something to do with prostatitis. That is because the prostate is a valve to control ejaculation. If this valve is infected, the prostate ejaculates soon, for the reason that the inflammation brings about allergies and congestion, which leads to the sexual impulses can't be controlled. Allergy is the result from the increased impulsive, that is to say, the prostate has no ability to bear more stimulation. In this case, premature ejaculation is normal for patients who have prostatitis.   
In many situations, patients who have not been given effective treatment can be confronted with psychological problems. The mood, personality and spirit of the patients can also be the factors that give rise to the abnormal condition. Patients always hold a view that  prostatitis can affect sexual function more or less, so that they are careful in this issue. Sometimes, the unpleased intercourse may depress the suffers a lot, and gradually, they stick with psychological problems. As we can imagine, more nervous the patients is, more symptoms come out. For instance, impotence, premature ejaculation or sexual dysfunction. The reasonable explanation for this is that congestion in the pelvic muscle in the intercourse is significantly, which brings about pain caused by the increased pressure within the prostate.  
source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2012/0106/prostatitis.html

Avoid foods that can irritate the prostate

prostatitis is condition where the prostate gland is inflamed or infected. Symptoms include frequent urination, burning or pain when urinating, feeling of not emptying the bladder completely, fever/chills and low back pain.

There are certain foods that can trigger or worsen the symptoms of prostatitis. It is important to notice whether certain foods trigger your symptoms and stay away from these foods to help reduce or alleviate prostatitis symptoms.
Below is a list of foods that irritate the prostate and it may be wise to avoid these foods:
Spicy Foods – The oils in the peppers concentrate in the prostate and this can lead to irritation.
Alcohol – When you have prostatitis, your doctor will advise that you increase your fluid intake. Alcohol is dehydrating which is contrary to your doctor's recommendation.
Citrus Juice – The acid in the citrus juice irritates the urethra. You may find that citrus juices worsen your symptoms while citrus fruits do not. Tomato and tomato juices can make your condition worse as these too are very acidic.
Caffeine – Caffeine is a diuretic. The frequent urination that is caused by the consumption of caffeine can irritate the prostate. Caffeine can also cause dehydration.
Fried Foods – The prostate is easily affected with the amount of calories and fat that is absorbed in the fried food.
Also avoid foods that can cause food allergies or food sensitivity as according to some research, allergy is considered one of the major causes of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.
source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Radical_Cure/2013/0913/1058.html

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill - a terminator of nonbacterial prostatitis

Commonly, it is harder to treat nonbacterial prostatitis than bacterial prostatitis. However, the herbal medicine like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill has good curative effect in the treatment of nonbacterial prostatitis. Then, how does the herbal pill work effectively on nonbacterial prostatitis?
Inventor of the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, Dr. Lee Xiaoping, says nonbacterial prostatitis refers to there is not found pathogenic microorganisms through the prostatic fluid examination, but patients also have prostatitis symptoms, such as pain in the genitals and pelvic area, or pain during or after ejaculation. Thus, some herbs which can promote Qi and release pain, activate blood and resolve stasis are needed for eliminating these symptoms. The herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains herbs like peach seed, peony which works on releasing pain in the genitals and pelvic area and painful sex effectively and naturally. 
Besides, the patients always feel frequent urination and itch urinary. And the herbal medicine also contains herbs like Cowherb seed, Semen plantaginis, Dianthus superbus and H. cordata which have the functions of clearing heat and removing toxin, stranguria-relieving diuretic. It can thoroughly release the symptoms of pain urinary, urgency and frequency etc. According to the medical survey, it plays good therapeutic effect on nonbacterial prostatitis treatment. And there is a patient’s real case about the disease.
Mr. Cheng, 40-year-old, was tortured by nonbacterial prostatitis for many years. He had the symptoms like urethral discomfort, itching, urgency and frequency; and he emerged sexual dysfunction caused by the disease. Before taking the herbal pill diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, he tried many treatments, but in vain.  
According to Cheng's symptoms, Dr. Lee suggested him trying the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, and recommended him the additional prescriptions for treating his frequent urination and itching. He took the herbal pill after meals, and took the sitz bath with the additional prescriptions. After one month later, he felt great changes, his symptoms like urgency and itch are relieved; and his diseases are basically cured after 3 courses treatment. In order to consolidate the effect, he took another treatment course. Several days ago, he told Dr. Lee that he felt really good now; his diseases did not recur anymore.  
All in all, Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill cannot only take the treatment according to the nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms, but also cure the disease form the roots. Thus, the effect is obvious. And it is a national patented medicine, patients can take it trustworthy.
article source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0625/203.html

Prostatitis has no necessary association with erectile dysfunction, states Wuhan Dr. Lee

Recently, some news reported that, prostatitiscan lead to erectile dysfunction (ED), seriously affecting married life. Misled by this, when men suffer from prostatitis, they may worry about getting ED caused by prostatitis. So, some men question that whether prostatitis can cause erectile dysfunction. Here, the herbalist Dr. Lee, from Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, will answer it for men. 

Dr. Lee says: “to know the question clearly, men had better understand what is prostatitis and erectile dysfunction first.” Prostatitis refers to the inflammation of the prostate. And its common clinical types are acute and chronic prostatitis. Erectile Dysfunction can be defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. 
Generally speaking, it is believed that some diseases like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, trauma, injuries to the pelvis or spinal cord, certain types of surgery and radiation therapy, multiple sclerosis and other nervous system disorders, depression can be the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Besides, male erectile function have relationship with the anatomical structure, nervous system, vascular system and endocrine system of the penis
And commonly, acute prostatitis can be caused by bacteria when the immunity is weakened. It is usually accompanied by fever, cold and painful urination etc. If it is changed into chronic prostatitis, patients may have difficulty in erectile, but it isn’t the main reason of erectile dysfunction. Besides, the prostatitis has no direct adverse effect on the above respective systems, substantially, according to Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic
In summary, “I think men have realized that prostatitis has no necessary association with erectile dysfunction, which means that if men suffer from prostatitis, men are not necessary to suffer from erectile dysfunction, it depends”, Dr. Lee says.  
In fact, even if suffering from prostatitis, there is no need to worry about too much. A herbal medicine- diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works well on the disease. And men should relax themselves during sex, develop a healthy diet habits; they can erect normally and have normal sexual life eventually.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0704/204.html

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