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Various health problems faced by women include period problems, breast - feeding problems, infections such as vaginitis, cystitis and salpingitis, menopausal problems, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian disease and sexual problems.
Period problems: The common adult problem of irregular and unstable periods, unpredictable dates and cycle patterns affects many women. The normal cycle varies between 25 and 33 days, and few women have a precise 28 day cycle. The most cases are due to hormonal imbalance within the progesterone/estrogen cycle.
Dysmenorrhea (painful periods): This is often grouped spasmodic and congestive type. It is usually due to hormonal imbalance. Excess prostaglandins are thought to be a possible cause, with excessive prostaglandin F2a a prime candidate, increasing progesterone build-up from within the uterine lining layers, provoking uterine contractions and cramp.
Amenorrhea: The absence of a regular menstrual cycle is due to pregnancy, lactation or physical illness varying from adrenal disease to thyroid disorders such as goiter or an under functioning of the glands.
Diabetes is another common cause.
Menorrhagia (heavy periods): A variety of mechanical causes can provoke the problem, especially fibroids, a uterine tumor other than a fibroid, and a complication of an intrauterine device contraceptive. Physical disease, especially thyroid under functioning, or myxoedema,is often said to be associated.
Blood diseases including high blood pressure and purpura, can cause an excessive tendency to bleeding. Endometriosis, especially ovarian endometriosis, is an increasingly important cause. Emotional tension and stress are undeniable and common causes of excessive bleeding.
Premenstrual tension: The commonest symptoms include headache painful breasts, water-retention and clumsiness. Breast tenderness and rheumatics are considered to be due to increased estrogen levels. Psychological symptoms include tension, anxiety, aggression, depression and lethargy.
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≪ Chronic prostatitis for four years has been cured | | HOME | | Acupuncture Solves Infertility Once and For All ≫ |
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